Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back when my boyfriend was just some guy I worked with, he got a very short haircut and my response was pretty much the same as Superhero Girl's roommate. I still feel very bad about this.
I would like to add that I am a DEVOTED sunblock user. I put it on every day, even in winter. It's how I maintain my pasty white nerd complexion throughout the year. I'm very proud of it. I still have a few freckles, tho. Damn redhead genes...


  1. Freckles are cute. Though I've a redheaded friend who lives in Florida whose entire upper torso (shoulders up) is freckled. ^^;;

    I like "Raccoon Girl" it's a fun name. =^-^=

  2. Just discovered the strip, had no problems reading through the archives, and I love it. Very well crafted little strip, thank you. Loved the over large text/laughing in panels 3 and 4, not an effect I can recall seeing before.

  3. I should probably use sunblock, but even without it I don't tan. Ever. It has been years since I even got a sun burn. Guess my secret identity will be easy to keep secret. :)

  4. "Raccoon Girl" is probably a little too similar to "Squirrel Girl" to be a legitimate name. I can't believe that's a real superhero...

  5. haha sunburn for the win XD

  6. So, he is your boyfriend out of guilt?

  7. Haha, no, he is my boyfriend because he is super tall and can reach the food on the top shelf. XD

    *is short*

  8. I thought it was referred to as "convenience fun-sized packaging" now. ^^;;

  9. haha that great a tall boyfriend so u can used him to reach everything in the high places^_^

  10. I totally forgot my skin gets freckly if directly exposed to sunlight... Must be more than 10 years that last happened...

    I hope she pressed pause.
