Blog Archive

Friday, December 31, 2010

Superhero Girl 18

My boyfriend summed this comic up perfectly: "You got tired of that plotline, didn't you?" Yeah, I kinda did. I always start feeling nervous when I've gone more than a couple of comics with a narrative, because this comic is going weekly in a newspaper, so I've no idea if people are actually following it from week to week. It's been an exercise in ... exercising a different part of my brain to keep the comic somewhat non-narrative. I mean, I want there to be SOME story evolution, but it can't be a continuing story the way my other comics (until now) have been.

Also: Thanks to everyone who gave me advice on how to make blogger more comic-browsing friendly. I'm busy right now, but hopefully in the new year I can make this site a little more easy to surf.


  1. Actually, I found it a rather amusing way to end the fight. Superhero battles are often overdrawn and boring. You cut to the chase.

  2. Seems kind of inconsistent with the level of super-strength she's shown before. But then, she's not even CLOSE to being the first super-strong superhero whose strength is portrayed inconsistently. Goes all the way back to the most famous one, in fact, if not further.

  3. Hey, there's plenty of times I've forgotten that I could fling a monster into space. When you have super powers, sometimes you just lose track of what you can or can't do.

  4. haha and its gone!!! XD

  5. Superhero Girl's superpowers are the power of convenience! She's as strong/fast/smart as the plot needs her to be. XD

  6. So the story goes. And I can see now why fighting the monster would leave her with back pain. I certainly wouldn't want to try that sort of flip-throw combo.

  7. Eh, you got caught up in the moment. It happens.

  8. Ik denk dat je een aantal zeer interessante punten hebt opgemerkt, bedankt voor je bericht.
