Blog Archive

Friday, December 31, 2010

Superhero Girl 18

My boyfriend summed this comic up perfectly: "You got tired of that plotline, didn't you?" Yeah, I kinda did. I always start feeling nervous when I've gone more than a couple of comics with a narrative, because this comic is going weekly in a newspaper, so I've no idea if people are actually following it from week to week. It's been an exercise in ... exercising a different part of my brain to keep the comic somewhat non-narrative. I mean, I want there to be SOME story evolution, but it can't be a continuing story the way my other comics (until now) have been.

Also: Thanks to everyone who gave me advice on how to make blogger more comic-browsing friendly. I'm busy right now, but hopefully in the new year I can make this site a little more easy to surf.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Superhero Girl 017

I think it is ADORABLE you lovely readers thought of this before Superhero Girl did. Oh man you are in such shit now, Skeptical Guy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Superhero Girl 016

FOOOM is the best word ever.

I think this was the comic where I said to myself, "dude, if I am going to draw this comic, I'm going to DRAW THIS COMIC." With Superhero Girl it's always a tug of war between "I have no time for this and I get paid diddly so lets churn this out as fast as possible" and "I like this comic a lot, and I should spend time developing something just for me." Unfortunately, lack of time usually wins out.

Also, I share a page in the Coast with Mike Holmes, whose comics frequently put mine to shame, so I feel I have to catch up with him sometimes. ^_^ Go here for Mike's stuff.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Superhero Girl 015


So there are a lot of inspirations for this comic, mostly in response to stuff I like or don't like in comics, superhero or otherwise. This comic came pretty directly from an Astro City story I read back in college where you were following this ordinary office lady as she navigated her way through a city of superheroes. I remember it was the first time I'd seen superheroes from the perspective of someone who wasn't super, and who was just watching them do their thing. It was nifty.

Website stuff: enough people have commented that they find the blogspot format I'm using unwieldy for reading the comics. I completely understand. I started using this format because it's very easy for me to update, and I need that (my life is stupid busy). If there are blog designs out there that utilize a more comic reading friendly format (that I can use on blogspot), or if anyone has any suggestions as how to make this blog more comic reading friendly, please let me know in the comments. Appreciate it!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Superhero Girl 014

Hey you know when you're supposed to be doing something important, like giving a speech or talking to a freelance client on the phone, and you're so nervous you start giggling and you kinda can't stop? I think that's kinda what panel 5 is like. Also, we learn Superhero Girl is sorta fireproof but her hair and clothing isn't. Good thing this isn't a REAL superhero comic or ALL her clothing would be completely burned away except for a couple strategically placed spots HAHAHAH oh comics you make me weep sometimes.

My boyfriend pointed out the monster looks like the Uglydoll I sleep with. I told him he was crazy. Ah, love.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Superhero Girl 013

Superhero Girl has a few variations on her superhero outfit. This is more of a punky look ... 'cause she's going to kick some tentacle monster ass!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Superhero Girl 012

All scary space monsters should have tentacles. It helps them move through ... space or something.

I grew up in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario and with an antenna you could get about 5 or 6 channels on TV, and those channels played pretty much everything, so there wasn't much point in cable. But then I moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where you can only get one channel (CTV, and maybe a very fuzzy CBC if you're lucky) with an antenna. So now I have cable, for the first time in my adult life and there are so many channels! Sadly, not a lot actual content, but whatever. I like shows about British people buying houses for some reason...

Anyway, I think Superhero Girl is watching a very fuzzy CBC on her crappy television.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Superhero Girl 011

First of all, thanks to everyone who pointed out that there are lots of superheros who have non-tragic origins, so if you ever meet up with the real life version of Skeptical Guy, be sure to correct him, using sources and footnotes.

Otherwise, Superhero Girl has had a very bad day, which is about to get worse! Enter ... the plot. I try not to do "to be continued!" comics, but I've had to do two in a (so far) 41 comic run due to the restrictions of working in print. So it's totally not my fault, you guys! Anyway, it was time, I felt, for Superhero Girl to meet something that will test her superhero mettle. Something she can hopefully punch.

Also, did you know there is no spellcheck for hand-lettering? That is why "existential" is misspelled. Also totally not my fault. (Awesome local comic store Strange Adventures makes a cameo here. Way to make Superhero Girl feel bad, Strange Adventures!)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Superhero Girl 010

I'm always impressed superheroes seem to find audiences that believe they're superheroes. Y'know, "There, in the sky! It's Super-whomever!" I guess they look the part, with the tights and the muscles and good looks. I'm pretty envious of anyone who looks like they're comfortable in their hot, sexy superhero skin. I can't imagine what it'd be like to actually work in a field where looks matter. Y'know, like politics or hand-modelling. It's a-okay to be ugly and fat when you're a cartoonist! (Thank God.) Also to work in your pyjamas. I like that.